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Erythromycylamine, 1 MG

Price$ 175.25
  • SKU: E-2475-1MG
  • Pack Size: 1 MG

BRL 42852ER; 9(S)-Erythromycylamine; LY024410




DMF, DMSO, Ethanol


Erythromycylamine is a semi-synthetic analogue of erythromycin prepared by reduction of erythromycin oxime. Erythromycylamine is a potent antibiotic, however the introduction of the amino- moiety increases the compound's polarity and is disadvantageous for in vivo use. This limitation was overcome by the synthesis of dirithromycin, a Schiff base pro-drug that dissociates in vivo to erythromycylamine.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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