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Rapid Commassie Stain, 100 ML

Price$ 178.75
  • SKU: R-2629-100ML
  • Pack Size: 100 ML



Room Temperature

This unique Coomassie Blue based formulation features a special dye that is absorbed by protein bands instead of the gel matrix. This eliminates the need for destaining and offers enhanced sensitivity and sharper resolution of bands. Protein bands can be detected within 10 min. Maximum intensification may require incubation up to 40 minutes. Offers greater convenience and sensitivity than conventional stains. Compatible with silver staining. Rapid Coomassie stain uses a simple two-step procedure. Stain is designed to detect as little as 7.9ng of protein within one hour of electrophoresis. Supplied as 20X concentrated solution.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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