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HigherPurity™ Bacterial DNA Isolation Kit, 50 Reactions

Price$ 135.50
  • SKU: H-2723-50RXN
  • Pack Size: 50 rxn

Room Temperature

HigherPurity™ Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit provides an accurate, easy-to-use and rapid method to isolate high-quality DNA from both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The kit uses HigherPurity™ breakthrough technology based in the ability to bind silica in the presence of high concentrations of chaotropic salts as guanidinium thiocyanate.

The extraction process uses comfortable CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns and includes an initial cell-wall lysis step with the appropriate enzyme to ensure efficient cell lysis and DNA release from the cell.

Advantages & Features:

• Highly efficient: yields up to 24 mg
• Fast and easy procedure: it takes 78 minutes to get results with minimal handling steps
• Safe: avoids phenol/chloroform extraction
• Convenient: ideal for bacterial DNA isolation from cell pellets after culturing


• Digestion with restriction enzymes
• Automated sequencing
• PCR template
• Southern Blots


•  If any kit reagent forms a precipitate, warm at 55–65°C until the precipitate dissolves, and allow to cool to room temperature before use.


*Developed and manufactured by Canvax Biotechnology, S.L under contractual agreement for AG Scientific, Inc.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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