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Erythromycin A enol ether, 5 MG

Price$ 235.25
  • SKU: E-2465-5MG
  • Pack Size: 5 MG

BRL 46357ER; EM-201




DMF, DMSO, Ethanol


Erythromycin A enol ether is a degradation product of erythromycin formed under acidic conditions by C6-OH internal attack on the C9 ketone to produce a cyclic enol ether. The rearrangement results in a loss of antibiotic activity. This single reaction was the prime driver for the development of second and third generation erythromycins. Erythromycin A enol ether is an important standard for stability studies.



0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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