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Ethacrynic Acid, 5 G

Price$ 261.25
  • SKU: G-2345-5GM
  • Pack Size: 5 G





Room Temperature

Ethacrynic acid is a highly effective diuretic that acts by inhibiting the sodium-potassium-chloride symporter protein in the human kidney. This effect occurs primarily in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle but also occurs to a lesser degree in the distal and proximal tubules. It is also a documented inhibitor of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). This acid is an unsaturated ketone derived from aryloxyacetic acid.


Ethacrynic acid sees widespread use in clinical medicine due to its diuretic properties. Various edema disorders can be treated with ethacrynic acid, including those associated with congestive heart failure, renal disease and liver failure. As a rule, it is administered in cases that call for a very potent diuretic, while less powerful diuretics are used for less severe cases.

Ethacrynic acid has also been studied for a variety of other uses and continues to be a target of research. Studies have shown that the acid can promote apoptosis in certain leukemia and lymphoma cells by suppressing GSTP1-1.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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