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Erythromycin B, 5 MG

Price$ 440.00
  • SKU: E-2471-5MG
  • Pack Size: 5 MG

12-Deoxyerythromycin; Berythromycin




Ethanol, Methanol, DMF, DMSO, Water


Erythromycin B (12-deoxyerythromycin) is a minor co-metabolite of erythromycin produced Saccharopolyspora erythreae. Erythromycin B exhibits broad spectrum antibiotic activity, albeit less potent than erythromycin A. Erythromycin B played an integral part of the SAR studies of semi-synthetic erythromycins, however none reached clinical development.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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