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Agarose 3:1, Molecular Biology Grade, 100 G

Price$ 1,071.50
  • SKU: A-2715-100GM
  • Pack Size: 100 G
Agarose 3:1, Molecular Biology Grade, 100 G



Room Temperature

Agarose is a polysaccharide used to separate large molecules such as nucleic acids based on size by agarose gel electrophoresis. Its strong gel structure allows for better handling and less breakage. Agarose 3:1 is ideal for DNA and RNA fragments from 150-1500 bp. Exceptional gel strength.

Gel Strength: ≥1400 g/cm2
Gelling Temperature (4%): 32.5-38°C
Melting Temperature (4%): ≤90°C
Moisture Content: ≤10.0%
Sulfate: ≤0.15%


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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