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Bovine Serum Albumin, Fraction V, 100 G

Price$ 145.00
  • SKU: B-3371-100GM
  • Pack Size: 100 G

BSA fraction V




Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is a high-purity albumin protein derived from the blood plasma of cows. Among its most common research uses is the culturing of mammalian cells, an essential function for many biochemical, pharmacological and biological studies.

In addition to its use as a culturing agent, significant research has been conducted into BSA itself. Of particular importance has been inquiry into BSA present in cow's milk as a possible causative agent of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Nanoparticles of albumin have been explored as drug delivery systems due to their biocompatible nature. BSA can also be used as a diluting component in vaccines.


  • Blocking agent used for ELISA and blotting procedures
  • Electron and immunoelectron microscopy
  • Isolation and culture of neonatal rat-cardiac ventricular myocytes
  • Vaccine diluent

  • pH (5% water) @ 25ºC: 6.5-7.5
  • Endotoxin: 10 EU/mg
  • Molecular biology grade
  • Fatty acid-free
  • IgG-free
  • Low bioburden
  • Protease-free
  • Solvent-free extraction process
  • Heat shock >65ºC with Na Caprylate


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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