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TDMAC (Tridodecylmethylammonium chloride), 5 G

Price$ 745.00
  • SKU: T-3000-5GM
  • Pack Size: 5 G


572.49 Da


Room Temperature


Tridodecylmethylammonium chloride (TDMAC) is a chloride ion-selective solvent polymeric membrane electrodes component. The ion-selective electrodes (ISEs; membrane electrodes) are electrochemical sensors useful in various analytical applications. TDMAC used as a polymer membrane-based electrode exhibits significant potentiometric response to heparin in the clinically relevant concentration range.

Additionally, TDMAC-heparin complexes are used as an antithrombogenic coating for catheters and tubing from which heparin is released slowly via an ion-exchange process.

Not for human therapeutic use or for medicinal purposes. For research applications only.

0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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