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HigherPurity™ PCR Clean-Up Magnetic Beads, 25 ML

Price$ 406.00
  • SKU: H-2727-25ML
  • Pack Size: 25 ML


HigherPurity™ PCR Clean Up Magnetic Beads system is a highly efficient, versatile and easily automated PCR purification system based on paramagnetic bead technology for PCR amplicon purification.

PCR Clean Up Magnetic Beads work by binding DNA reversibly to carboxyl‐coated paramagnetic particles, allowing for high recovery of DNA using a quick and simple procedure. The magnetic beads are pre‐formulated with an optimized buffer to selectively bind DNA fragments of 100 bp and larger. Excess salts, enzymes, primers, and nucleotides can be removed through a simple washing procedure.


Advantages & Features

• Optimized: selectively bind DNA fragments of 100bp and larger
• Highly Efficient removal of Primers, Primer‐dimers, dNTPs, salts, enzymes and other impurities
• Easy-to-use: in manual and automated in 96‐ or 384‐well formats
• Fast protocol: in comparison with traditional Clean-up methods
• Time-saving Process: avoid centrifugation/filtration steps



• Sequencing
• Fragment Analysis
• Genotyping
• Cloning
• NGS Library preparation


*Developed and manufactured by Canvax Biotechnology, S.L under contractual agreement for AG Scientific, Inc.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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