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Pravastatin (Sodium Salt), 25 MG

Price$ 89.00
  • SKU: P-2787-25MG
  • Pack Size: 25 MG



C23H35O7 • Na

DMF, DMSO, Ethanol, PBS (pH 7.2)


Pravastatin sodium is the salt of pravastatin, a ring-opened member of the statin family. Pravastatin is produced biosynthetically from compactin (mevastatin) by a number of microorganisms, notably Absidia, Cunninghamella, Syncephalastrum, Nocardia or Streptomyces.

Typically, statins like compactin, lovastatin and simvastatin possess a β-hydroxy lactone ring which is a pro-drug for the readily ring-opened dihydroxyacid generally regarded as the active HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. Importantly, the free carboxylic acid enables pravastatin to be freely water soluble within biological pH ranges.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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